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segunda-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2009

Documentário Occupation 101: Vozes da Maioria Silenciada

Recebi do amigo blogueiro Kauê da Bodega Cultural a dica do documentário Occupation 101: Vozes da Maioria Silenciada, 2006.

Este documentário, dirigido por Sufyan Omeish e Abdallah Omeish, e narrado por Alison Weir, fundadora do If Americans Knew,
aborda a questão Israel-Palestina, discutindo os eventos a partir do surgimento do movimento Sionista até a segunda Intifada,. Trata de temas polêmicos que por vezes nos recusamos a aceitar como existentes: limpeza étnica, genocídio do povo palestino, as relações entre Israel e Estados Unidos, as violações dos direitos humanos e abusos cometidos por colonos e soldados israelenses contra os Palestinos.

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Atualização 19:42:

Outros blogueiros fizeram a chamada para este contundente documentário. É do blog do João Villaverde que reproduzo alguns dos diálogos do doc. Occupation 101. O que mais me chamou a atenção foi a fala da menininha palestina, é simplemente impressionante como uma criança tão pequena consegue ter tanta clareza do absurdo cotidiano que a ocupação militar e colonial sionista impõe à sua pequena vida:

Narração inicial:

"O campo dos refugiados mesmo sem conflito com Israel é humanamente horrível. É superpopuloso. São de 14 a 25 pessoas vivendo num mesmo espaço. Não há espaço para crianças ficarem. Não há ruas, mas pequenas passagens, não há árvores, nada."


"Muitas gerações de palestinos cresceram e continuam vivendo em campos de refugiados pelo região. Em 1948 eram 700 mil palestinos...hoje, aqueles que continuam vivendo em campos de refugiados são 4.225,110."


"Você conseguiria viver aqui? Conseguiria? Você não conseguiria porque as condições aqui são horríveis. E você ficaria aterrorizado sempre que os mísseis caem e as paredes começam a ruir!"


"O foguete destruiu a janela, quebrando tudo e colocando fogo em todas as coisas. Porque eles quebraram as minhas coisas? Eu perdi muitas das minhas coisas. Nós jogamos tudo no lixo. Nós também perdemos nossas roupas, nós imploramos aos nossos vizinhos por roupas para usar. A comida que comemos cheira a gás. Nós não queremos nos livrar de nossas roupas, mesmo com elas cheirando a gás. Apenas se você cheirasse as nossas roupas! Que os israelenses venham e cheirem nossas roupas e vejam nossas casas... sempre que queremos tomar banho ou fazer qualquer coisa em casa o cheiro de gás nos sufoca até a morte! Venha e veja minhas roupas. Cheire elas...é gás! O que eu posso fazer? Eu não pude nem aproveitar os óculos de sol que meu pai me deu, ou os braceletes e o lenço para pescoço que minha mãe me deu. Eu não brinquei nem com meus anéis. Como eu posso aproveitar tudo que me pertence? Como? Aproveitar minhas coisas com o que?!"


"Nossas crianças não conseguem nem viver... nós não sabemos nem como viver. Vivem com medo constante. Eu vivo com medo e terror."


"E no meu caminho à escola eu ouço tiros. Eu fico com tanto medo dos tiros que meu corpo todo começa a tremer."

Homem segurando balas:

"Isso é o que tem sido usado nessa região. Estamos numa área de civis, não há soldados aqui. Não há base militar por aqui. Se trata de tiros de civis para afastar as pessoas da fronteira para que os tanques israelenses possam se movimentar normalmente. Eles querem essas pessoas (palestinos) fora dessa área. É simples assim. E é uma maneira de humilhar as pessoas."


"Em Gaza você pode ver a situação terrível, pode ver melhor do que na Cisjordânia (onde outra parcela dos palestinos vivem). Bairros inteiros foram destruídos. Centenas de pessoas não têm mais casas porque elas estão próximas da fronteira. Isso, claro, é uma clara violação de regras humanitárias, em todos os sentidos.

Homem segurando balas:

"As pessoas não tem a chance de retirar seus bens pessoais de dentro das suas casas, não tem chance de pedir ajuda e aqui é muito longe da maioria da mídia. Você (se referindo ao homem com a câmera) está entre os poucos que conseguiram ver isso. Jornalistas europeus ou americanos não estiveram aqui porque as pessoas tem medo de vir ou porque é muito difícil chegar."

Os entrevistados:

Dr. Albert Aghazarian
Director of Public Relations at Bier Ziet University. He is the most prominent Palestinian Armenian figure -- Headed press centre during Madrid conference.
Ambassador James Akins
Former (1963-1965) Attache at the US Embassy in Baghdad; Former (1973-1975) US Ambassador to Saudi Arabia.
Rabbi Arik Ascherman
Executive Director of Rabbis for Human Rights - an organization of Israeli rabbis committed to defending the human rights of all people in Israel and in the territories under Israeli control.
Dr. William Baker
Former Professor of Ancient History and Biblical studies. Founder of Christians and Muslims for Peace.
Bishop Allen Bartlett, Jr.
Assisting Bishop (2001-2004) of the Diocese of Washington. The Episcopal Diocese of Washington comprises 93 Episcopal congregations in the District of Columbia and the Maryland counties of Montgomery, Prince George's, Charles and Saint Mary's.
Phyllis Bennis
Fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies. An author, analyst, and activist on Middle East and UN issues. Helped found and co-chairs the U.S. Campaign to End Israeli Occupation.

Peter Boukaert

Director of Emergencies at Human Rights Watch -- the largest human rights organization based in the United States. He has conducted extensive fact-finding investigations into human rights abuses in the West Bank (Israeli Occupied Territory).
Sharon Burke
Former Advocacy Director with Amnesty International -- a Nobel Prize-winning grassroots activist organization with over 1.8 million members worldwide. Amnesty International undertakes research and action focused on preventing and ending grave human rights abuses worldwide.
Noam Chomsky
Institute Professor Emeritus of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. An Author and Analyst of Global Affairs including, US foreign Policy, and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Author of "The fateful triangle: the United States, Israel, and the Palestinians."
Father Drew Christiansen
Former director of the Office of International Justice and Peace, United States Catholic Conference (91-98) and served as counselor on international affairs from (98-04). He traveled to the Holy Land numerous times to investigate the on-the-ground reality facing the Palestinian Christian community.
Cindy and Craig Corrie
Parents of late peace activist Rachel Corrie -- who was killed by an Israeli Bulldozer while protesting the destruction of a Palestinian doctor's home. Founders of the Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice.
Douglas Dicks
Visitor Outreach program director Catholic Relief Services in Jerusalem. His work brings him in direct contact with patriarchs and priests as well as with elected government officials, human rights groups, and prominent members of both Palestinian and Israeli societies
Richard Falk
Served on the United Nations Human Rights Fact-finding Commission (2001) to investigate international law violations and human rights abuses in the West Bank and Gaza. Author and former Professor of International Law at Princeton University.
Paul Findley
United States Congressman (1961-1983). Founder and Chairman of the Council for the National Interest. Author of "They Dare to Speak Out" and other books.
Thomas Getman
He served as director of World Vision's programs in Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip (1997-2001). Currently, he is director of humanitarian affairs and international relations -- and is responsible for diplomatic relations with UN government member missions in Geneva.
Neta Golan
Israeli peace activist and co-founder of the International Solidarity Movement. A peace movement committed to resisting the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land using nonviolent, direct-action methods and principles.
Jeff Halper
Co-founder of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions and a Professor of Anthropology at Ben Gurion University. He has researched and written extensively on Israeli society and Israel's occupation of Palestinian lands.
Amira Hass
Israeli Journalist living and working in the occupied territories, she writes for Ha'aretz -- an Israeli daily newspaper. She is the author of "Drinking the Sea at Gaza: Days and Nights in a Land under Siege."
Doug Hostetter
He worked as an Interfaith Peacebuilder for the Fellowship of Reconciliation and took part in delegations to Israel/Palestine to learn from Palestinian and Israeli peace activists and experience directly the situation of Palestinians living under military occupation.
Kathy Kamphoefner
She worked with the Christian Peacemaker Team in Hebron (West Bank) -- which embraces the vision of unarmed intervention waged by committed peacemakers ready to risk injury and death in bold attempts to transform lethal conflict through nonviolent means.
Adam Keller
Spokesperson of Gush Shalom -- an Israeli Peace Group which has played a leading role in determining the moral and political agenda of the peace forces in Israel, as well as in breaking the so-called "national consensus" based on misinformation.
Hava Keller
Israeli peace activist and founder of Women's Organization for Political Prisoners -- established with the objective of helping female political prisoners who struggle against Israel's occupation of Palestinian territory. She was also a soldier who served during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War.
Rashid Khalidi
Director of the Middle East Institute - School of International and Public Affairs/Columbia University. Author of "Palestinian Identity: The Construction of Modern National Consciousness" and "British Policy towards Syria and Palestine" -- among other books.
Peretz Kidron
Spokesperson of Yush Gvul -- an Israeli peace group campaigning against the occupation by backing soldiers who refuse duties of a repressive or aggressive nature. He is an Israeli peace activist, freelance journalist, and author of "Refusenik!: Israel's Soldiers of Conscience."
Rabbi Michael Lerner
Rabbi of Beyt Tikkun and editor of TIKKUN magazine -- A Bimonthly Jewish Critique of Politics, Culture and Society. In 2002, He founded The Tikkun Community which brought hundreds of people to Washington, D.C. to a Teach-In to Congress on Middle East Peace.
Rabbi Rebecca Lillian
The spiritual leader of Temple Beth Or in Miami, FL. She was previously co-chair of the Jewish Peace Forum and, under its auspices, organized Jewish peace delegations to Israel and the West Bank. She is currently on the Rabbinic Cabinet of the Jewish Alliance for Justice and Peace.
Roger Normand
Roger Normand is co-founder and executive director of the Center for Economic and Social Rights in New York, and has led recent human rights missions to Iraq, Afghanistan and Israel and Palestine.
Allegra Pacheco
She is an American-born Israeli attorney who works on the front lines and defends Palestinians in Israeli courts against house demolitions, land confiscations, torture, and illegal detentions. Her litigation won an Israeli Supreme Court banning certain torture methods in Israel.
Ilan Pappe
An Israeli-born lecturer from Haifa University. Through his life experiences and scholarly research he came to challenge the common historical narrative of his state. He is one of the so called 'New Historians' who in the late 1980s exposed the 1948 ethnic cleansing Israel carried out in Palestine.
Dr. Iyad Sarraj
A prominent Palestinian psychiatrist who has undergone extensive research about the mental health condition of children living and Gaza. He is the director of the Gaza Community Mental Health Program.
Yael Stien
Research director of B'Tselem, an Israeli human rights group -- established in 1989 by a group of prominent academics, attorneys, journalists, and Knesset members. It endeavors to document and educate the Israeli public and policymakers about human rights violations in the Occupied Territories.
Gila Svirsky
An Israeli peace campaigner for more than 15 years, lives in Jerusalem. She is a founding member of the Coalition of Women for a Just Peace, a grouping of eight Israeli and Palestinian women's peace organizations.
Ambassador Edward Walker
His diplomatic career includes positions as US Ambassador to Israel (1997-1999), the Arab Republic of Egypt (1994-1997), and the United Arab Emirates (1989-1992). He also served as Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs under the Clinton administration.

Alison Weir
American freelance journalist who has traveled independently throughout the West Bank and Gaza Strip. She founded If Americans Knew and frequently lectures throughout the United States to misinformed and uninformed citizens on one of the most significant issues affecting them today.

3 comentários:

TitaFerreira disse...

Oi Frô!

Assisti e estou baixando, vou reproduzir por lá.

Um beijo.

Claudinha disse...

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